Fresh coffee bean. |
Hello friend today I will tell you about your favorite drink coffee. At first tell me what do you think about coffee. Do you regularly visit barista or five star coffee bar, don't stop, because it is a great life style, but must do it in moderation.
Today I am going to tell you the benefits and negative sides of coffee.
Coffee mostly carry the key active ingredients caffeine, which have some positive and negative side, let me starting to write the positive things first, coffee is very good for mild depression, because it elevate the mood stabilizing hormone endorphine and noradrenaline, nicotine is addictive but caffine is not as addictive as nicotine if you consume it moderately. Some study have shown that if you consume coffee moderately you can say good by to gallstone, diabetics, Parkinson, liver disease, prostate cancer, Alzheimer disease. If you are my ladies viewer, you have seen that some skin care products contain caffine, because it smoothen the skin, enlighten the complexion, and help to remove wrinkle. Coffee decrease the risk of stroke by 25%. Coffee is very needful for liver specially who consume too much alcohol, caffine help them from alcoholic liver sirocis. Some study have shown that coffee prevent to develop the alcoholic fatty liver disease. Caffine is very helpful to prevention of skin cancer specially in the ladies. You are usually consume too much coffee if you are my athletic viewer because you know that it boost your energy level by increasing the fatty acid level in your blood and mobilize the body fat level to gain energy from fat. My young friend I am telling you that if you consume coffee moderate it will make you more smarter and intelligent among your friend circle, and it will increase your attention span and various cognitive functions. If you are facing trouble for your over-weight then probably you need a glance on this article because caffine has a known fat burning property as it increase your metabolic activity. Coffee also carry some vitamins and minerals and antioxidant that is why it is the most choice full antioxidant among the Americans. If you consume coffee after launch and dinner because it is very help full in digestion, it increase the peristaltic movement in the intestine hence eliminate toxins from body and clear the bowl movement, though it is not the substitute to your dietary fiber. Do you know that coffee protect your teeth by preventing the cavity.
Black coffe bean. |
Now i am going to tell you some negetive sides of coffee. You all know that every good has a bad side, it is the same. If you consume too much it will affect you negetively, as coffee carry a large amount of caffine, caffine is bad for anxiety and anxiety related mental health problem. When caffine entire your body it leaves a long lasting effect on your body that's why if you consume it 5 to 6 hours before your sleep, it will affect your normal sleep timing. It take up to 6 hours to completely eradicate the caffeine from your system by the body. If you're pregnant or breast feeding mother you have to aware for your little one. One another thing that if you have to visit your family doctor very frequently for high blood pressure or gastritis then you have to conscious about coffee because coffee will be increase your doctor visit.
Now at the end of the article I will tell you something which is bottom lines, that if you are adult then over the doses of 10 gm of coffee is fatal for you. if you consume decaffeinated coffee then you don't think that you are at the safest zone because experts say that it is same as regular coffee. Friend one thing you must do after drink coffee, that is drink two full glasses of water to eliminate all the toxins and replenish all the things for your body which was stolen by caffeine, I don't tell you completely avoid coffee, I am trying to make sense you that drink but drink it to keep the limit.
Thank you, happy reading.