Sunday, 28 December 2014

Depression and Nutrition

Depression Related to Nutrition
supplements in capsule

Some people are aware of the connection between nutrition and depression. Depression is some time thought as chemical based or emotionally-rooted. On the other side nutrition can play a key role in the starting and duration of  severity of depression.

The most common phsycologycal disorders that are currently prevalent  in various countries are depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and OCD. It is seen that many Asian  and American countries are often deficient in many nutrients, especially essential vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that daily intake of supplements of vital nutrients related to the disorders are often effective in reducing the symptoms. Supplement containing essential amino acids have also been found to reduce the symptoms, modulating the neuro-transmitters which alleviate depression and other mental disorders. Most prescribed drugs leaves various side effects on the patients, which called anti-depressants and near about all the mental patients have a tendency to avoid these type of drugs , that's why they discontinue the medicine and their problem used to aggravate gradually. The nutritional therapy is the alternative way to overcome these disease's. Most of the time the doctors and pshycriartists do not recommend the supplements, so we have to aware ourselves to overcome these concerns . Some times self help is most helpful for these types of problems, some times our surroundings play a key role to counterattack these disorders. The mental patients maximum of the time is far from adequate nutrition, they make poor food choices. According to research this types of disorders linked to low levels of neurochemicals, basically the common bio-chemical is the Serotonin, it is also linked to suicide in mentally challenge people.

Depression is a disorder associated with noticeable symptoms such as increased melancholy and anxiety, loss of appetite, mood swings, loss of interest in joyful activities. The major major neuro chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, GABA are often associated with depression shown in several studies. Dietary supplements such as Inositol, SAM e, vitamin-b supplements, omega-3, protein supplements are very effective in the treatment of these kind of problems.

images of food supplements

Friday, 26 December 2014

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Big Altantic Salmon fish under the deep sea.

Omega-3 fatty acids

The brain is one of the vital organs with the highest level of lipids. Brain lipids, composed of fatty acids, are structural constituents of membranes. Our brains grey matter contains 50% fatty acids, that are polyunsaturated in nature, which are supplied through diet. Some recent study saying that lowering plasma cholesterol by diet and medications increases depression. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are the most significant factors that effects serum lipids and alter the biochemical and biophysical properties of cell membranes. It has been highlighted that sufficient long chain PUFAs, especially DHA, may decrease the development of depression. Experimental studies have unlocked that diets lacking omega3 PUFA lead to considerable disturbance in neural function. The main factor is balancing between the omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which should be 3:7 in our diet, but the fact is opposite, that why we are suffering from various diseases like heart disease, nervous system disorder and other imbalance diseases. Omega 3 fatty acids are derived from cold water fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, black cod and blue fish, and the omega 6 fatty acids are derived from seeds and nuts, refined vegetables oils, fast foods .

Sunday, 21 December 2014

A little bit about Folic Acid

Healthy Nutritious fruit.

B-Vitamin for vitalityThere are eight B vitamins currently published which are B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Folic acid, and biotin, near about all are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.Vitamin B is needed for energy production.
FOLIC ACID We nearly all heard about folic acid, its not amazing because folic acid is needed for pretty much every chemical reaction in our body.It is needed for synthesis of DNA and RNA and as some one points out, these means "all cells depend on this vitamin for their growth and regeneration.....their is no life without it." Despite the central role that folic acid plays in the human body, there are many more roles it plays.
  • It"s difficult to get adequate levels of folic acid from food, dark green , leafy vegetables, beans carries folic acid.
  • Folic acid can be depleted or entirely destroyed by light and cooking.
  • Common life style like Alchohol, chewing tabacco, aspirin, anti biotics and all hard drugs are responsible for depliting the folic acid.
  • Teenagers, particularly, are at very high risk towards folic acid deficiency. Stydies show that as many as 90% people consume less than the RDI limit in their diet.
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