Tuesday, 10 February 2015

The Yummy Chocolate Is Good For You

delicious chocolate
Whenever you hear the word chocolate, immediately feel very good if one piece of chocolate is here now. Chocolate is very favorite thing to my all age group friends, because chocolate multiply your inner sensual feelings and flooded your mind by pleasure. Now-a-days researchers, nutritionist and cardiologist every body con face one thing that chocolate is very good for your health.

Chocolate ignite your sensual pleasure which nature choco carry itself. Scientifically it stimulates the secretion of endorphin and thus bring a feeling of overall wellbeing. Chocolate always interact with brain directly. Tryptopan is carried by chocolate is one of the essential amino acid which is essential for brain for synthesis serotonine, called the happy hormone. Usually you probably saw some different categories of chocolates are available in the market, that is dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate. The most demanding and beneficial is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is very good for your brain. Various study show that it is very good for your short term-memory, study also said that when you consume it the blood flow in the brain increases for 3 hours, as result you feel more alert and active, but for dementia it will need more studies. Study suggest that
yummy dark chocolate
who are suffering from sleep apnia, it is one of the perfect food for those. Chocolate also delay the aging of brain by stimulating the blood flow within the brain. Doctors say that two to three times in a week if you eat chocolate, it will help to reduce the high blood pressure level. It is very good for your loving heart also by increasing the blood flow and prevent the blood clotting, expect that chocolate carry the most valuable component anti-oxidant, which protect heart from unnatural cell damage.

Dark chocolate carry PEA, that chemical which chemical flow in the brain when you fall in love for someone. Choco is very good for blood sugar, specially type-2 diabetics. The flavonoids of chocolate lower the insulin resistance of the cell and normalise again the uses of insulin by the body. As chocolate carry a low level of glycemic index it is not harmful for diabetics. One more thing is the theobromine, which own chocolate itself, strengthen the enamel of your teeth. At last one more thing I tell you that chocolate also carry some vitamins and minerals like copper, magnesium and iron.

So next time whenever you face the advantage to eat the delicious chocolate , never miss the opportunity. Happy reading.

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